Sometimes when you're just having "one of those days", it's a great thing to be able to look inside a box of things that will bring your happy back and make you smile. Remember, this is NOT a memory box, it's for NOW!
To start, find a medium sized box, a shoebox or just take a free priority mail box from the post office. Take some wrapping paper or comics from the newspaper and cover the inside flaps so when you open it, it's already making you smile!
Next, put things in the box that make you happy. Here are just some suggestions:
1. a piece of bubble wrap (c'mon, you know you like to pop those little bubbles of air)
2. a sample of your favorite perfume or a perfumed body lotion
3. your favorite mini candy bars
4. pictures
5. a favorite cd (music or movie)
6. a packet of microwave popcorn
7. a joke or favorite quote
8. ask your friends or family to write small notes of encouragement
9. your favorite nail polish
10. bath salts or even better... bubble bath
11. those new little adult design coloring books you find everywhere these days
12. brownie mix or a packet of hot chocolate mix
13 a timer (if you must cry, set it for 2 minutes and just tell yourself, "That's all I'm all the time I will allow myself to be sad. It really works!)
14. a stress ball
15. a candle
16. stuffed animal
What would YOU put in YOUR box?
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